Here we've chosen a few examples of how our archive has changed over time

  • Want to see everything on offer? Let's time travel!
  • Specific question about the changes in a particular area? Your own timeline shows you the possibilities we have to tailor a visualisation to your needs
  • Prefer to see an overview of what's in the archive? Take a flight

Hier hebben we een paar voorbeelden van hoe ons archief over de tijd is veranderd

  • Wil je alles zien? Kom mee op een reis door de tijd!
  • Specifieke vraag over de veranderingen in een bepaalde doorsnee? Je eigen tijdslijn laat de mogelijkheden zien die we hebben om een visualisatie op maat te maken voor jou
  • Wil je liever een overzicht of wat er in het archief zit? Neem even een rondleiding

Above is the number of programmes in the archive ('programmes' includes paper, photo and objects), plotted over time. We have excluded some programmes with strange (most likely erroneous) dates. There is a noticeable bulge in the graph around the 60s. This comes from a large number of 16mm films from international news exchange.

Here we see the change in methods of distribution over time. 'Handel' is our collection of music albums.

In this graph, you see the percentage of material each year that is digital (that is available in the media archive). Watch out - it may seem that we have lots of digital material from a long time ago, but remember that the graph shows the percentage, if there is one item in a year and that item is digital, then the percentage is 100. So how much do we still have to digitise? This graph can't answer that, as first we need to know what needs digitising. For example, we have 'clean feeds' in the archive - duplicates of programmes without logos, graphics etc. Do we digitise these, or just the programmes as they were broadcast?

Are programmes getting longer? This graph would seem to show that they are. However, it should be read with care, as there are many items with a duration of 0, and some items contain compilations of entire series.

Here we have analysed the length of the summary field. In general this seems to have got longer in recent years. However, the record goes to a couple of items from long ago that have been described at length.